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Creating a Culture of Digital Security

Putting Up a Good Defense...

In the world of modern business, organizational cybersecurity concerns thread through every aspect of our digital operations. As we become more dependent on digital platforms to host critical documents, assets, and proprietary information, the incentive for bad actors to steal or leverage that information grows proportionally. The safety of your organization in the digital space is more critical than ever.

Your business's ability to defend against these attacks is only as strong as your most vulnerable elements–so putting up a good defense is going to be a team effort. In this blog, we explore the importance of cybersecurity education in the workplace and some best organizational practices to minimize the likelihood of falling victim to a digital attack.

Common Security Risks, Human Error, and Potential Impact

The landscape of digital threats continually evolves, from phishing scams to ransomware. Yet, amid these hazards, human error remains one of the greatest vulnerabilities of a business. Employees may inadvertently click on a malicious link, share sensitive information without proper authorization, or use weak passwords that are easily cracked. These actions may seem small to the user but the consequences of one's actions in regards to cybersecurity is often many times greater than the mistake. When the back door is left open, the entire organization is put at risk. With such a great disparity between a negligent action and its consequences, recognizing and addressing the human factor in cybersecurity becomes incredibly important. This not only involves equipping staff with the knowledge and tools needed to identify and mitigate threats but also fostering a culture of vigilance and responsibility, making security a collective responsibility for everyone.

The Case of SunTrust Bank

One of the most notable examples of a cybersecurity attack that was instigated by human error is the 2017 phishing scam that impacted the employees of SunTrust Banks. In this incident, a phishing email was sent to SunTrust employees, tricking them into providing their login credentials on a fake login page that mimicked the bank's internal system. The attackers were able to gain unauthorized access to the personal information of approximately 1.5 million customers, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and certain account balances.

The SunTrust breach underscores the critical importance of cybersecurity awareness and training for all employees. Despite having sophisticated security systems in place, the human element can often be the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. This case serves as a stark reminder that cybersecurity is not solely a technology issue but a human one as well, emphasizing the need for comprehensive strategies that encompass both technological defenses and human vigilance.

Importance of Security Education in the Workplace:

Empowering your workforce with the knowledge to recognize and counteract cyber threats is not just a matter of compliance—it's a necessary step to protect against potential attacks. By cultivating a culture of cybersecurity awareness, organizations can transform their employees from the weakest link into the strongest defense. This involves regular training sessions, practical exercises, and continuous communication about the latest threats and security best practices. When employees understand the role they play in safeguarding the organization's digital assets, they become proactive participants in the collective security effort, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and cyber incidents.

We have created a simple plan to organize and lead cybersecurity workshops with your team! This plan provides the basic outline and considerations you should take when providing education to employees in your company. 

For organizations that are able, we do suggest that businesses consult cybersecurity specialists to develop bespoke cyberattack mitigation plans and protocols to fit the exact needs of your operations.

A well-organized cybersecurity workshop is an investment in your organization’s security posture. By empowering your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to protect against cyber threats, you’re not just safeguarding your digital assets—you’re building a resilient, aware, and prepared workforce.

Lead By Example

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping an organization's cybersecurity posture. As gatekeepers of company culture, leaders set the tone for the seriousness and urgency of cybersecurity within the organization. Their commitment to prioritizing security education and practices signals to all employees that vigilance against digital threats is not optional but integral to the company's overall success and safety. Effective leaders not only advocate for regular training and adherence to security protocols but also lead by example, demonstrating good cybersecurity habits in their daily actions. Moreover, by fostering an environment where security concerns can be openly discussed and addressed without stigma, leaders empower their teams to be proactive in identifying and mitigating risks. Ultimately, strong leadership in cybersecurity fosters a culture of shared responsibility, where every employee is equipped and motivated to contribute to the organization's digital defense.


If you are curious in learning more about best cybersecurity practices, we suggest exploring the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Both of these organizations have an incredible amount of resources available on their websites.

NIST Cybersecurity Page

CISA Best Practices Page

CISA Cyber Essentials

CISA Cyber Essentials Starter Kit

Also, click here to check out our own cybersecurity checklist download!